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Chronic Disease Self-Management Program in Wyoming


An Evidence-Based Practice


The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is an interactive workshop series that helps people with chronic conditions better manage their health. The workshop is delivered over six weeks for 2 1/2 hours per week and is facilitated by leaders who have been trained by Stanford. The program is available to any agency, service club, or organization.

Goal / Mission

To help people with chronic conditions take an active role in their health care.

Results / Accomplishments

The first two workshops in Cheyenne were completed in early 2016, and two more are scheduled. Now that The Chronic Disease Self-Management program is in Wyoming, it is available in all 50 states.

Studies conducted by Stanford of the program in other areas have shown that individuals with chronic disease who participated in the program had improvements in exercise, cognitive symptom management, communication with physicians, and self-reported general health when compared to a control group. Participants also had decreased health distress, fatigue, disability, and social activity limitations when compared to a control group. Workshop attendees spent fewer days in the hospital, and had a trend toward fewer hospitalizations and outpatient visits. At two years following the intervention, participants had significantly reduced ER visits (p < 0.05), and improved self efficacy (p < 0.05) when compared to baseline.

About this Promising Practice

Southern Wyoming Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
Primary Contact
Amy Giglevitch
Laramie County Senior Activity Center
2101 Thomes Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
(307) 635-2435
Southern Wyoming Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
Stanford University, School of Medicine
Cheyenne, WY
For more details
Submitted By
Amy Giglevitch